Adult Sunday School Classes are being held at 9:15am in the church.
Is Atheism Dead?
Message from teacher Paul Francel: As the adult Sunday school teacher, we have been embarking on numerous avenues of learning. For the last year we have been marching through the wonderful TV series “The Chosen.” As you probably know, The Chosen tells the story of Jesus Christ over multi-seasons. We have already covered 18 different ones in the TV shows. That includes seasons 1, 2 and 3. We will be embarking on season 4 in the future.
The new Bible Study is based on the book “Is Atheism Dead?” by Eric Metaxas. Recently, this book was chosen as the #1 New York Times bestseller. It goes through the relationship between what science now knows about the existence of God. Essentially, science at this time now has proven the existence of God and dispelled any chance of holding on to atheism from both a religious standpoint as well as a scientific standpoint.
Join us for some great learning and the melting together of science and Christianity.