Our mission: Connecting upward, inward and outward.
We are a group of people who share faith in Christ and a love for God. We strive to care for others by following the example of Jesus. We are welcomed by God, just as we are, and we pray that we welcome others in the same way. Come visit us!
Worship is at 10:15am.
Online Worship: https://www.facebook.com/rlcofficial/live/ Or: go to YouTube: https://youtube.com/@rlc-ok Adult Sunday School: 9:15am Church-wide Bible Study Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Check out our women's and men's Bible study groups, too. |
Go to Pastor's Page for this Month's Message |
Ongoing Activities at RLC
-Adult Bible School, 9am on Sundays -Hand and Foot Canasta, 1st Thursday of the month -Quilt Ladies, 2nd Saturday of the month, 9am -Senior Night Out, 3rd Thursday of the month, 5:30pm -The Men's Group, 3rd Sunday of each month -RLC Council, Last Sunday of the month, 12:30pm (may change Nov and Dec due to holidays) -Wed night fellowship and prayer, 6:30pm -Men's Breakfast: Every even numbered Thursday at 8am, location changes each time. More Info. -Women's Bible Study: Tuesdays at 6:30pm. More Info. Special Activities at RLC
-Light Up the Darkness Continues
-Feb 1: Yukon Chocolate Festival -Feb 2:We're celebrating RLC & Pr Mark's Anniversary with a special Fellowship Hour. Please help us shower Pr. Mark with cards and Blessings. -Feb 16: Worship Planning Committee after worship service -Mar 4: Fat Tuesday (also called Shrove Tuesday) dinner, 5-7pm
-Mar 15: Winter Jam concert (youth activity), 7pm Your Giving Matters: Feb 2 Update![]() It takes about $32,000 per month to cover our operating expenses. If we all help, we can meet our budget, support the church and open up new ways for God to bless our lives and our community.
Want the Details About Upcoming Activities?To get details about upcoming events, please check out "What's New" under the Activities menu to get the latest RLC news.
A Little of This & A Little of ThatIf you would like to be a Flower/Candle Sponsor, there are still 2024 days open. There is a sign-up chart in the Fellowship Hall. Our Outside Blessing Box Needs FoodWe are going through a lot of food through our outside blessing box. We are in need of breakfast items, pop-top lid canned goods and easy to open protein items, energy bars, cereal, etc. We also need gloves, scarfs, hand warmers, etc. Thank you.
Collecting Food for Jacob's Cupboard |
Several Ways to Give to RLC
You can now give to RLC several ways, including online, if you choose to. Just click on the Donate button below this paragraph, and you will go to our Giving Page, listing all of the options for giving to RLC. You can use any credit or debit card even if you aren't on PayPal.
Don't want to give online? You can also drop your offering off at church Monday-Friday from 9-Noon, mail it in, or set up RLC as a payee on your bank bill payment service.
Thank you for supporting our church, our youth and our community outreach.
Don't want to give online? You can also drop your offering off at church Monday-Friday from 9-Noon, mail it in, or set up RLC as a payee on your bank bill payment service.
Thank you for supporting our church, our youth and our community outreach.
Connect with Us Via Facebook
Just click on this link: https://www.facebook.com/rlcofficial/live/
Once there, watch for the "Live" message and click on it. Once on, you can click on the visual and you will also see the Comments section, where you can communicate with others and share prayer requests. You can also go back to view services you missed.
Once there, watch for the "Live" message and click on it. Once on, you can click on the visual and you will also see the Comments section, where you can communicate with others and share prayer requests. You can also go back to view services you missed.
Worship Service on YouTube
You are Welcome Here!
We are seniors, young parents, teens, children, married, and single. We are from different places and different religious backgrounds. We come together to worship, to help and support one another and to serve our community.
Pray With Us on Facebook
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