Thank You for Supporting RLCWe offer several ways to give to RLC and our special programs.
-Mail Your Contribution. Resurrection Lutheran Church, 675 Vandament Ave, Yukon, OK 73099 -Drop it Off at the Church. Our office hours are currently from 9am-noon, Mon-Fri. -Bring Your Contribution to Church, if You Worship In-person. We meet on Sundays at 10:15am. -Pay Online Using the "Donate" button or the QR Code Below. You can pay using PayPal, a credit card or a debit card. And thank you for continuing to support RLC. We appreciate your contributions, in any amount. Give now using PayPal, Visa, Master Card (credit or debit), American Express or Discover.If you want your gift to RLC included in your quarterly giving statement, just check the optional box to share your address information with us.
If you would like to donate to a special program, select "Regular Giving," and then choose the one you want from the pull-down menu.
If we do not have your address, please provide it if you want a Giving Statement sent to you. Donate By Pointing Your Smartphone Camera at this QR Code.Why Do You Give to Resurrection Lutheran?Each of us supports RLC in different ways. You may be giving money to the church, even tithing 10%. You may be giving your time to help with RLC programs, activities and outreach. And you may be sharing your talents and expertise...It is all so appreciated.
When money gets tight, there are times when you may choose to give less for awhile. But "not giving" can become a habit, too. Giving is a conscience decision. We hope you will consider your monthly giving to RLC and consider increasing it. Even $5 more a week makes a difference. Why are we asking members to share their stories? Our giving is down for several reasons: some of our older members have passed away, others have retired and have lower incomes. People move away and find a new church home. There are changes in personal financial situations. Illness can have an impact. It all adds up. If we all help, we can meet our budget, support the church and open up new ways for God to bless our lives. |
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Upward | Inward | Outward If you would like to give your offering online or donate to a special RLC project, you're in the right place.