Each of us can offer something special to serve God, our church and our community. What are your talents and skills? Please consider volunteering for one or more RLC committees.
This committee addresses everything from staff computers and software, record storage and back-up, the phone system, our text/phone/email messaging service, electronic security for the church property, our online church services, our sound system and big screen TVs in the sanctuary, our website, use of Zoom and Facebook and new technologies that we may add in the future.
The group will evaluate contract renewals on existing technology and study new technology the church is considering--making recommendations to the RLC Council. Goals of the group: -Consider short- and long-term technology needs of the church for the purchase of hardware, software and tech services. -Integrate current and new technology when possible. -Prioritize ease of use. -Ensure staff have resources/training to use our technology effectively. -Protect the privacy of the personal information we store and the security of church systems. -Help church staff develop procedures for using technology, as appropriate. -Bring new ideas to the Council's attention and make recommendations for our annual tech budget. If you have a love for technology and want to share your talents and experience, please contact Stephen Tharpe. The Nominating Committee solicits nominations to fill vacancies in the RLC Council each year at the annual meeting. The committee is chaired by Lisa Gigstad.
The Stewardship Committee works to make sure that RLC has enough money to meet its budget and mission goal and to raise money for special projects.
Members of the Stewardship Committee include Rodney Weideman, Amanda Sossoman, Amy Tharp, Beth Green and Donna Gorrell. Chair: Katherine Dawson. |
The Care Team primarily provides pastoral care to our members. This includes hospital visits, cards, visits to our shut-ins, giving communion to those who can't come to church and providing special help to RLC members who may need it.
Members: Penny Budzien, the Borseth family, Marcie Branstetter, the Eck family, the Robinson family, Nathan and Nicole Johns, Lisa Gigstad, and Katherine Dawson. For more info, please contact committee chair, Paul Francel. Are you a gardener? Do you like planting, pruning, trimming, and spending time outdoors? If so, this committee is for you.
If you would like to be part of this group, please contact one of the two co-chairs: Roni Lufkin or Elizabeth Smith. We have a three-person Website Committee for RLC.
Lori Philo-Cook: website content, graphics and photos; Paul Francel: recording and posting sermons and the backup on website changes; and Stephen Tharp: technical guidance We always welcome photos and information for the website. The Altar Guild takes care of the church altar, including communion supplies, setup and cleanup, flowers, candles, etc. Members of the group include Penny Budzien, Jean Ross, Bill Jackson and Sarah Caffey.
Members of the Endowment Fund Committee are Beth Toivonen (Chair), Ellen Wray, Nathan Johns, Lisa Gigstad and Jason Wauson.
This group manages funds donated as memorials and approves expenditures for undesignated memorials.
If you are interested in being a member of this group, please contact Council President Stephen Tharp. Members include Jean Ross (Chair), Elizabeth Smith, Ellen Wray, Melota Orr, Marguerite Albrecht, Paula Green and Sharon West. The Mutual Ministry Committee provides personnel-related counsel to the RLC Church Council. Members of the committee include Mike Robinson (Chair), Keith Gorrell, Paula Green and Andrea Wildman.
Each spring, the Scholarship Committee solicits scholarship applications from RLC graduating seniors and then awards a scholarship to a deserving student. The group also raises funds, in conjunction with others in the church, for the annual scholarship program.
Members include Lori Barthelmes, Beth Green, Penny Budzien, Brian Budzien and Jason Wauson and Peter Cox. Members of the Audit Committee include Rachael Boevers and Penny Budzien.
If you see an error or have additional information to contribute, please contact Lori Philo-Cook. Thanks so much.