RLC Youth Programs
Upcoming Activities & Photos of Past Activities
Youth CalendarNovember
-Nov 10: Affirmation of Faith, 9:15-10am -Nov 16: Baking Class with Donna Gorrell, reserve your spot by Nov 6. -Nov 17: Thanksgiving Dinner Potluck after church. Invite your friends. December: Come Learn to Make a Pumpkin Roll on Nov 16, 7-9pmThis month, Donna Gorrell will be teaching us how to make a Pumpkin Roll. If you want to participate, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall by November 6th, so we have enough ingredients for everyone. Thank you.
Affirmation of Faith, Nov 10Sunday November 10th from 9:15am till 10am
We will be celebrating those who will be affirming their faith during the 10:15am service, on November 10th. Youth Confirmation and Sunday School Information |
Cub Scout Pack is Welcoming MembersWe have a Cub Scout pack at RLC. If you have kids (Kindergarten-5th grade), you would like to get involved, or if you would like to help out as a leader, contact cubmaster Shelley Olson.She can be reached at [email protected] or BSA District Executive Lindsey Miller at 580-471-0275 or [email protected].
https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Youth-Organization/Cub-Scout-Pack-389-Yukon-OK-100196688016352/ |
RLC YOUTHeransOur Philosophy: Youth are not just the future of the church; they are an important part of the church today. Youth are active in all aspects of life at RLC: from worship, to leadership and volunteering, to living out their faith at home and school with family and friends. We have specific ministries for youth at different ages, but we also regularly have opportunities for cross-generational learning and serving. We believe youth have much to share about who God is and what it looks like to follow Christ.
Photos of Youth Activities in 2024
Trick or Treat for Jacob's Cupboard, Oct 23: What a Lot of Food
Trunk or Treat, Oct 20Right after the Oct 20 service, we had a potluck dinner followed by Trunk or Treat. There were prizes and goodies.
ELCA Youth Gathering, July 15-21 |
Photos of Youth Activities in 2023
Photos of Youth Activities in 2022
Living Nativity RLC hosted a Living Nativity with live animals on Sun, Dec 18. The Living Nativity was at 6pm and 7:30pm.
This event also included a petting zoo, two live camels, sheep, goats, and a donkey. There was also refreshments, games and photo opportunities in between. A big thanks to all the RLC youth who participated and those who helped behind the scene. See the full slideshow on our Past Activities page. Trunk or Treating was a Whole Lotta Fun for Kids and AdultsWhoever heard of trick or treating in the daytime? Well, it happened at RLC on Oct 30, and it was a hit. The creativity in decorating cars and creating costumes was on full display. In addition, the youth helped sell pumpkins and the Yukon Fire Dept brought a fire engine for kids to see. Photos are courtesy of Andrea Wildman, Lisa Gigstad and Emily Eck.
Rock Climbing in OKC, Sept 17Fun times at RLC: A group of adults and kids learned how to climb, and had a good time doing it.
VBS June 2022Vacation Bible School moved back to daytime and it was a great time for all. You can tell from all of the photos that kids and adults alike enjoyed themselves.
Senior Sunday. May 2022 |
Trick or Treat for Jacob's CupboardA group from RLC participated in Trick or Treat for Jacob’s Cupboard on Fri Oct 21st at 7pm. The proceeds will go to
Jacob's Cupboard, which is a smaller food pantry in Yukon who serves the needy. They serve a lot of people in the Yukon Main St area and also serve seniors needing food. Back to School Bash, Aug 28, 5pmKids were invited to the RLC's Back to School Bash/Pool Party at the Francel’s. The church provide hot dogs and drinks and kids brought snacks and desserts to share. It looks like everyone had a great time.
Easter Egg Hunt, April 2022 |
Photos of Youth Activities in 2021
Photos of Youth Activities in 2020
OK AR Synod Youth Gathering in Tulsa, Jan 2020
Photos of Youth Activities in 2019
Making Ornaments for RLC Shut-ins and RanchwoodOur younger youth and some adults Putt-Putt through the Bible. At each hole there was a Bible story and questions about the Bible story--from creation through Jesus' death and resurrection.
Putt Putt through the Bible, Sept 2019Interfaith Tour, Sep 15, 2019Back-to-school Blessings for Students and Teachers and School Supplies for Needy Local Students, Aug 2019Affirmation of Faith, June 2019Recognizing Our High School Seniors with ScholarshipsPresentation of Youth Bibles on Mother's DayCelebrating First Communion |
Packing Up Our Food We Collected for the Lutheran Bedlam Food DriveBack-to-school Swim Party, Sep 2019RLC Youth Delivering Our Donations to Yukon First Responders, Sept 2019LYO Youth Sumer Camp in Kansas City, June 2019: Courage by the CampfireVacation Bible School Fun: June 20192019 Seniors Received Beautiful Custom Quilts from our Quilting MinistryLutheran Youth Got a Photo with Bishop Mike and Bishop Eaton at the Synod Assembly on May 14, 2019Easter 2019: The Hunt is On!Synod Youth Lock-in at RLC: Mar 3The Younger Youth Synod Gathering: Jan 2019 in Norman, OK |
Youth Activities in 2018
Trunk or Treat 2018Trick or treat for Manna PantryThis is Me at Sunday SchoolBack-to-school Swim Party FunThanks for the Francels for hosting a Back-to- school Swim Party on Sunday August 19th.
2018 Youth Gathering PhotosVacation Bible School, June 2018
Graduating Seniors Honored
On Sunday May 13, we celebrated our graduating seniors from high school, college and trade school, with blessings during services and a special reception at 10:30am in the large fellowship hall. Our three high school seniors received very special quilts from our Quilt Ladies.
Summer Sunday School Social
Affirmation of Faith, May 20
Four 9th grade confirmands affirmed their faith on May 20, during the 10AM Worship Service and a reception followed the worship service
Sunday School Holy Week Scavenger Hunt, Mar 2018
The kids looked for things though out the church that showed pictures or items that told the story of Holy week, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
Youth Movie Day During Teacher Walkout
Youth gathered at RLC to watch Swiss Family Robinson and enjoy snacks and socializing.
WOW! Lots of Easter EggsLast Supper, Mar 2108
Our Younger Youth Social, Feb 2018
Looking Back at Our 2017 Youth Activities
Dec 17, 2017: A great program put on by our kids! Merry Christmas
Sunday School Donates to Angel Tree Child, Dec 2017
Nov Youth Lock-in Included a Lesson on Homelessness
What a Fun Time at VBS in June!
Helping Manna Pantry
Some of our youngest members emptied their piggy banks to donate to Manna Pantry. They're starting young helping others have food to eat. Thank you!
Easter Egg Hunts
Younger Youth Gathering
The ELCA Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod Younger Youth Gathering was Feb 18-19 in Norman. It was a great time for Lutheran youth.
Sunday School Fun |
Christmas Movie Fun on Nov 19
Graduate Quilt Presentation, June 11
Reception for Graduating Seniors
Graduating seniors were honored at both our early and late service on May 21. In between services, there was a special reception for them, and three scholarships were awarded.
On June 11, they will be presented with beautiful senior quilts. Thank you Quilt Ladies! Our Youth Helped Make the Feb 28 Pancake Supper a Success
Sunday School Lesson
Looking Back: 2016 RLC Youth Activities
Youth Activity Highlights for 2015
2015 National Youth Gathering
The National Youth Gathering, "Rise Up," was held in Detroit July 15 -- 19th 2015. Several students and sponsors from RLC attended. We worshiped, learned about our faith, played and did service projects with other ELCA youth from around the U.S.
The next ELCA Youth Gathering will be in Houston, Texas in 2018. |